Sundial III seen at a church in Stubenberg

Sundial III seen at a church in Stubenberg, Austria

One of three sundials seen at a church in Stubenberg, Austria. For me this was the most dainty version of a sundial. How would you describe the style of this sundial?


Sundial in Mödling

Sundial in Mödling, Austria

A sundial dating back to the 16th century seen at the walls of a pharmacy in Mödling. More…


Sundial in Golling / Salzach

Sundial in Golling, Austria

A sundial seen at an old inn located in a city called Golling an der Salzach. The saying in the right bottom corner tells that this clock is not counting the cloudy hours which is actually a pun. More..,


Sundial in Baden bei Wien

Sundial in Baden bei Wien, Austria

A sundial seen in the spa town Baden bei Wien. How would you call the style of the sundial? Art Nouveau? Art Deco? Anything else? More…


Sundial in Traunkirchen

Sundial in Traunkirchen, Austria

After visiting an exhibition in Traunkirchen I took this photo of a sundial at the walls of a former convent. More…


Sundials in Svätý Jur

Sundial in Svätý Jur, Slovakia

These sundials in Svätý Jur were the first ones I have ever seen, which were built around a corner. More…
