Inn sign in Dornbirn

Inn sign in Dornbirn, Austria

Inn sign at the wine tavern ‘Alte Post‘ in Dornbirn. The sign is labeled with the name of the tavern and the date 1869. The sign shows a postilion which probably refers to the earlier use of the building as coaching inn.


Manhole Cover in Mistelbach, Austria

Manhole cover in Mistelbach, Austria

The manhole cover of Mistelbach shows a sprig of mistletoe, which is also the emblem of the city. The part ‘Mistel’ in the city name is actually the german term for a mistletoe.


Warehouses at the city harbour of Rostock

Warehouses at the city harbour of Rostock, Germany

At the Rostock City Harbour you can find old as well as reconstructed warehouses. In the rooms of the warehouse on the left side the headquarter of AIDA Cruises is based. The piers for the huge AIDA cruisers are not far way at the port of Warnemünde.
