Are these eggs of dinosaurs?

Artwork in Graz, Austria

Some artwork in my city Graz. Well, I guess it is artwork. The pieces could also be eggs of dinosaurs. I’ll keep you informed! More…


Railway station Semmering

Railway station Semmering, Austria

On my train trips to Vienna I often pass the railway station Semmering. Generally I see the station just from my train window. On a hiking tour I got this different view. Looks misty, doesn’t it? More…


Sundial in Baden bei Wien

Sundial in Baden bei Wien, Austria

A sundial seen in the spa town Baden bei Wien. How would you call the style of the sundial? Art Nouveau? Art Deco? Anything else? More…


The Trojan boot in Friesach

A fun sign at a shoeshop

On my walk through Friesach I came across this fun shop sign at the storefront of a shoe shop. It shows a ‘Trojan Boot’ (Der trojanische Stiefel). More…


Posttor (Olsator) in Friesach

Olsator in Friesach, Austria

On my walk through Friesach I discovered this cute idea to visualize the old gate called Posttor or Olsator in its shape of about 1200 AD. The sign was transparent so I was able to match past and presence. More…


The abandoned railway station of Schlierbach

The abandoned railway station of Schlierbach, Austria

On my way to Schlierbach Abbey I came across the abandoned railway station of Schlierbach. Austrian railway stations dating back to he monarchy are very typical. One can recognizes them even after 100 year. More…


Parish church of Marchegg, Austria

In 13th century the parish church was planned as huge church having multiple aisles. After some demolitions the church got rebuilt in a much smaller version at the end of 18th century. More…


Tableau Vivant in Vienna

Tableau Vivant in Vienna, Austria

An interesting item on the program of the Karlstag 2009 was a Tableau Vivant. A group of people walked in the dresses of the time before 1900 around the Karlsplatz. More…


Roman wedding in Carnuntum

Reenactment of a Roman Wedding in Carnuntum

During a Roman festival at the archaeological park of Carnuntum I watched a reenactment of a Roman wedding. That way I learned about the tradition, that the Roman bride is cloaked. More…
