Steam locomotive 52.7046 in Selzthal

Steam locomotive 52.7046 at railway station Selzthal

This steam locomotive located at the railway station of the Styrian place Selzthal is a so called Kriegslokomotive (war locomotive) built in 1943. More…


How to transport a railway switch

Transport of a railway switch

Today I came across a train that transported railway switches. It was interesting to see what kind of specialized carriages are used for this extra-wide cargo. More…


Manhole cover in Rottenmann

Manhole cover in Rottenmann, Austria

While watching a classic car ralley in Rottenmann I came across this manhole cover showing the emblem of the city. More…


The winged cow of Graz

The winged cow of Graz, Austria

The winged cow of Graz seen on a balcony in the centre of the city. Don’t ask me for details, I am not an expert on winged cows  🙂 More…


View of Salzburg

View of Salzburg from railway bridge

While passing the railway bridge of Salzburg on my way to and from Germany I often have this great view of the Hohensalzburg Fortress and the churches of the city.


Clock tower of Bruck/Mur

Clock tower of Bruck an der Mur, Austria

The clock tower of Bruck an der Mur is part of Landskron Castle (Burgruine Landskron) high over the city. More…
