Graz Castle in Styria

Grazer Burg in Graz, Austria

The construction of Graz Castle (Grazer Burg) started in 1438 by Duke Friedrich V. The pic was taken from the Burggarten, a hidden park just outside the old walls of Graz. The castle offers several intriguing elements, e.g. engravings showing the motto A.E.I.O.U.


Heidentor in Carnuntum

View of the Heidentor taken from a train

On a train journey from Vienna to Carntuntum-Petronell, travellers have this photo of an ancient Roman monument. The structure is part of the archaeology park Carnuntum. Local people call this monument Heidentor (Pagans’ Gate).


Sunflowers on Heldenplatz

Sunflowers in front of Archduke Charles

In 2005, many events marked the 60th anniversary of the end of WWII. For example, the Heldenplatz – a central square in Vienna – was covered with vegetables and sunflowers. This reminded us that the citizens used every free space to produce food around 1945.
