Schloss Hof in Marchfeld

Schloss Hof in Marchfeld

Schloss Hof is the largest castle of the five Marchfeld Palaces between Vienna and Bratislava. Two famous owners – Prince Eugene of Savoy and Empress Maria Therese – transformed it into a Baroque gem with a French garden stretched onto seven terraces.


Heidentor in Carnuntum

View of the Heidentor taken from a train

On a train journey from Vienna to Carntuntum-Petronell, travellers have this photo of an ancient Roman monument. The structure is part of the archaeology park Carnuntum. Local people call this monument Heidentor (Pagans’ Gate).


Roman sewer cover in Carnuntum

Reconstruction of a Roman sewer cover

Reconstruction of an ancient Roman sewer cover seen at the Archaeological Park Carnuntum located in the Austrian state Niederösterreich (Lower Austria). More…
