Piazza Libertà in Udine

Piazza Libertà in Udine, Italy

Right below Udine Castle, you find the Piazza Libertà. The Loggia del Lionello and the Loggia di San Giovanni frame the oldest square of Udine. Its main attraction is the Torre dell’Orologio, a clock tower resembling that one on the Piazza San Marco in Venice.


Sundial in Merano

Sundial in Merano, Italy

This sundial in Merano impresses with a lot of details and codes. For example, you see the motto of Frederick III (A.E.I.O.U.). There is also a memento mori formed by a skull and an hourglass on top of it.


At the Val Canale in Italy

Val Canale in Italy

On my way from Udine to the Austrian border I took an ordinary road through the Val Canale instead of the motorway and enjoyed a splendid view of the Alps. In some areas of Europe it is really better to drive slowly instead of racing along the motorways, isn’t it?


An altana seen in Udine

An altana seen in Udine, Italy

Another interesting piece of architecture I saw in Udine. It is called an altana. Well, would you love to live in such a tower?


Nice balcony in Udine

Nice balcony in Udine, Italy

Nice balcony in the streets of Udine. Who of you would like to be Juliet on that balcony?
