Fridericianum in Kassel

Fridericianum in Kassel, Germany

The Fridericianum in Kassel offers a fascinating story for museum buffs. The building was completed in 1779 and was one of the first public museums ever built. Today, it offers exhibitions about contemporary art and serves as a venue for the events of the Documenta.


Ottoneum in Kassel

Ottoneum in Kassel, Germany

A museum with intriguing architecture forms the Museum of Natural History known as Ottoneum. Inside, it offers goodies like a Xylotheque and the Ratzenberger Herbarium. Another attraction is the Goethe Elephant Skeleton.


Architecture of the 50ties in Kassel

Architecture of the 50ties in Kassel, Germany

After World War II a large part of Kassel was rebuilt in the style of the 50ties. So if you are interested in the architecture of this period a walk through Kassel is a good way to learn more about it.
