Naumburg (Saale) still uses GDR tramcars on its tourism tramline. An example is this “Gothawagen” T57. Its nickname refers to the manufacturer, the Gothaer Waggonfabrik in Gotha. T57 stands for 1957, its first year of production.
Tag: Saxony-Anhalt
Tramcar Class 70/1 (1973)
Naumburg Tramway in the German city of Naumburg (Saale) runs several old tramcars dating back to GDR times. One of them is this Tramcar Class 70/1. It saw its construction in 1973.
Uta of Naumburg (Sculpture)
This sculpture is one of twelve donor portraits located in the west choir of Naumburg Cathedral. Due to the look of the depicted lady, this work is considered the most beautiful of the twelve. The name of the statue is Uta of Naumburg.
City Hall of Naumburg (Saale)
After a town fire in 1517, the new city hall saw its completion in 1528. Besides the lovely bonneted dormers, the Renaissance gate next to the Ratskeller Inn is also worth a look. The Ratskeller is considered the oldest inn in the city of Naumburg (Saale).
Monument to Friedrich Nietzsche
Visitors to the city of Naumburg (Saale) find this monument to Friedrich Nietzsche on a square called Holzmarkt. If you are interested in the life of this philosopher, there is also a museum about him and his work in his former home in Naumburg.
Donkey Fountain in Halle (Saale)
The Donkey Fountain (Eselsbrunnen) on the Old Market (Alter Markt) in Halle (Saale) dates back to 1913. Its motiv – a man with a donkey walks over a rug of roses – refers to an old but fun legend. The story goes back to the time of Emperor Otto I.
Federal Cultural Foundation
Right next to the site of the Francke Foundations in Halle (Saale), visitors find this fascinating piece of architecture. It’s the headquarters of the German Federal Cultural Foundation (Kulturstiftung des Bundes).
Unstrut Viaduct in Saxony-Anhalt
While travelling from Naumburg (Saale) to the visitor centre of the Nebra Sky Disk by bus, I got this view of the newly built Unstrut Viaduct. With a length of 2,688 m, it crosses the spacious Unstrut Valley.
Shop sign of a brush-maker
This shop sign at the Bürstenmacherei Steinbrück in Naumburg (Saale) shows the main products of a German Bürstenbinder (brush-maker). Inside the shop, you learn details about the tradition of brush-making.
Beatles Museum in Halle (Saale)
The Beatles Museum in Halle (Saale) shows the history of the Beatles from the foundation of the band in 1960 up to their break in 1970. It also displays material about their solo careers after 1970. You find the museum in a Baroque building dating back to 1708.
St. Wenceslaus Church
The church of St. Wenceslaus (Stadtpfarrkirche St. Wenzel) in Naumburg (Saale) saw its completion in the 15th century. It is famous for paintings by Lucas Cranach the Elder and a Baroque organ named Hildebrandt-Orgel.
Tramcar Class 70/1 (1971)
This tramcar of the class 70/1 saw its construction in 1971. The last time, it ran by the Naumburg Tramway (Naumburger Straßenbahn) in Saxony-Anhalt. Today, it stands in the company’s tram depot but is out of operation.