The church was constructed by the mendicant order of the Franciscans. That explains why there is no tower. Even though it isn’t a real cathedral, the people of Halle still call it a Dom (Cathedral).
Tag: Saxony-Anhalt
Talent 2 at railway station Halle (Saale)
The Talent 2 is a multiple unit railcar manufactured by Bombardier Transportation. The first trains were produced in 2008. The design of the cab ends made German people to call this type of train Hamsterbacke (hamster cheek). The depicted train is run by the S-Bahn Mitteldeutschland.
Manhole cover in Halle (Saale)
This manhole cover in Halle (Saale) displays the coat of arms of the city. The city arms of Halle consist of a moon between two stars of different size. The colour of these symbols is red, the ground is silver.
Lance for water jousting in Halle (Saale)
This showcase at the Hallors and Saline Museum in Halle (Saale) displays the costume of a Hallor with its typical 18 buttons and a lance. Such lances are still in use for the traditional water joustings one can experience e.g. during the lantern festival of Halle (Hallesches Laternenfest).
Neuenburg Castle high over Freyburg (Unstrut)
Neuenburg Castle (Schloss Neuenburg) located in the wine-growing area of Saale-Unstrut houses among others a wine museum. This photo was taken while enjoying a boat trip on the river Unstrut.
Wine-growing area of Saale-Unstrut in Saxony-Anhalt
While travelling through the wine-growing area of Saale-Unstrut one can see a lot of steep terraces with centuries-old dry walls and romantic vineyard cottages. The region is open for many kinds of movement: Hiking, cycling and even canoeing.
Wine barrel at the Rotkäppchen winery in Freyburg
In the historic sparkling wine cellars of the Rotkäppchen winery in Freyburg (Unstrut) there is a huge wine cask for the cuvée. The barrel was built in 1897 and has a capacity of 120,000 litres.
Cork oak at the Rotkäppchen winery in Freyburg
In the splendid staircase well of the administration building a piece of cork oak (quercus suber) is displayed. So people joining a guided tour through the historic sparkling wine cellars of the Rotkäppchen winery get an impression from which tree the sparkling wine corks are made.
Huge music stands at Querfurt Castle
Three music stands (Notenständer) with a height of four metres remind me that Querfurt Castle (Burg Querfurt) houses a music school. Artist Ingo Güttler created these music stands that play music and form a sound installation. During festivals, the music stands will be removed.
Handrail at the cathedral of Naumburg (Saale)
Inside the Naumburg Cathedral (13th century) in Naumburg (Saale) there are fascinating as well as fun details to see at some handrails. The handrails are decorated with persons, animals and mythical creatures. Some of them made me think the way to heaven is probably arduous.
Manhole cover I in Naumburg (Saale)
This manhole cover in Naumburg (Saale) displays the city arms. Interesting detail: Since 1993 the sword lays over the key. This manhole cover shows the older coat of arms with the key positioned over the sword.
Pharmacy Museum in Naumburg (Saale)
The pharmacy museum (Apothekenmuseum) is located In the rooms of the Lion Pharmacy (Löwenapotheke). Some of the exhibits are dating back to 1820. The collection also shows a lot of equipment which was used in pharmacies up to the time in the GDR (DDR).